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Data Types

Introduced or updated: v1.2.100

This page explains various aspects of data types, including lists of data types, data type conversions, casting methods, and the handling of NULL values and NOT NULL constraints.

List of Data Types

The following is a list of general data types in Databend:

Data TypeAliasStorage SizeMin ValueMax Value
TINYINTINT81 byte-128127
SMALLINTINT162 bytes-3276832767
INTINT324 bytes-21474836482147483647
BIGINTINT648 bytes-92233720368547758089223372036854775807
FLOATN/A4 bytes-3.40282347e+383.40282347e+38
DOUBLEN/A8 bytes-1.7976931348623157E+3081.7976931348623157E+308
DECIMALN/A16/32 bytes-10^P / 10^S10^P / 10^S
DATEN/A4 bytes1000-01-019999-12-31
TIMESTAMPN/A8 bytes0001-01-01 00:00:009999-12-31 23:59:59.999999 UTC

The following is a list of semi-structured data types in Databend:

Data TypeAliasSampleDescription
ARRAYN/A[1, 2, 3, 4]A collection of values of the same data type, accessed by their index.
TUPLEN/A('2023-02-14','Valentine Day')An ordered collection of values of different data types, accessed by their index.
MAPN/A{"a":1, "b":2, "c":3}A set of key-value pairs where each key is unique and maps to a value.
VARIANTJSON[1,{"a":1,"b":{"c":2}}]Collection of elements of different data types, including ARRAY and OBJECT.
BITMAPN/A0101010101A binary data type used to represent a set of values, where each bit represents the presence or absence of a value.

Data Type Conversions

Explicit Castings

We have two kinds of expression to cast a value to another datatype.

  1. CAST function, if error happens during cast, it throws error.

We also support pg casting style: CAST(c as INT) is same as c::Int

  1. TRY_CAST function if error happens during cast, it returns NULL.

Implicit Castings ("Coercion")

Some basic rules about "Coercion" aka (Auto casting)

  1. All integer datatypes can be implicitly casted into BIGINT aka (INT64) datatype.


Int --> bigint
UInt8 --> bigint
Int32 --> bigint
  1. All numeric datatypes can be implicitly cast into Double aka (Float64) datatype.


Int --> Double
Float --> Double
Int32 --> Double
  1. ALL non-nullable datatypes T can be implicitly casted into Nullable(T) datatype.


Int --> Nullable<Int>
String --> Nullable<String>
  1. All datatypes can be implicitly casted into Variant datatype.


Int --> Variant
  1. String datatype is the lowest datatype that can't be implicitly casted to other datatypes.
  2. Array<T> --> Array<U> if T --> U.
  3. Nullable<T> --> Nullable<U> if T--> U.
  4. Null --> Nullable<T> for any T datatype.
  5. Numeric can be implicitly casted to other numeric datatype if there is no lossy.


Why can't the numeric type be automatically converted to the String type.

It's trivial and even works in other popular databases. But it'll introduce ambiguity.


select 39 > '301';
select 39 = ' 39 ';

We don't know how to compare them with numeric rules or String rules. Because they are different result according to different rules.

select 39 > 301 is false where select '39' > '301' is true.

To make the syntax more precise and less ambiguous, we throw the error to user and get more precise SQL.

Why can't the boolean type be automatically converted to the numeric type.

This will also bring ambiguity. e.g.

select true > 0.5;

What's the error message: "can't cast from nullable data into non-nullable type".

That means you got a null in your source column. You can use TRY_CAST function or make your target type be a nullable type.

select concat(1, col) not work

You can improve the SQL to select concat('1', col).

We may improve the expression in the future which could parse the literal 1 into String value if possible (the concat function just accept String parameters).

NULL Values and NOT NULL Constraint

NULL values are employed to represent data that is either nonexistent or unknown. In Databend, every column is inherently capable of containing NULL values, which implies that a column can accommodate NULLs alongside regular data.

If you need a column that does not allow NULL values, use the NOT NULL constraint. If a column is configured to disallow NULL values in Databend, and you do not explicitly provide a value for that column when inserting data, the default value associated with the column's data type will be automatically applied.

Data TypeDefault Value
Integer Data Types0
Floating-Point Data Types0.0
Character and StringEmpty string ('')
Date and Time Data Types'1970-01-01' for DATE, '1970-01-01 00:00:00' for TIMESTAMP
Boolean Data TypeFalse

For example, if you create a table as follows:

id Int64,
name String NOT NULL,
age Int32

DESC test;

Field|Type |Null|Default|Extra|
name |VARCHAR|NO |'' | |
age |INT |YES |NULL | |
  • The "id" column can contain NULL values because it lacks the "NOT NULL" constraint. This means it can store integers or be left empty to represent missing data.

  • The "name" column must always have a value due to the "NOT NULL" constraint, disallowing NULL values.

  • The "age" column, like "id," can also hold NULL values as it doesn't have a "NOT NULL" constraint, allowing for empty entries or NULLs to indicate unknown ages.

The following INSERT statement inserts a row with a NULL value for the "age" column. This is allowed because the "age" column does not have a NOT NULL constraint, so it can hold NULL values to represent missing or unknown data.

INSERT INTO test (id, name, age) VALUES (2, 'Alice', NULL);

The following INSERT statement inserts a row into the "test" table with values for the "id" and "name" columns, without providing a value for the "age" column. This is allowed because the "age" column does not have a NOT NULL constraint, so it can be left empty or assigned a NULL value to indicate missing or unknown data.

INSERT INTO test (id, name) VALUES (1, 'John');

The following INSERT statement attempts to insert a row without a value for the "name" column. The default value of the column type will be applied.

INSERT INTO test (id, age) VALUES (3, 45);
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